I do 5 sit ups every morning ...

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Sunday 30 June 2013

5 situps every morning

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Do you need a Fastner?

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Saturday 29 June 2013

Walmart irony

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People who claim to be normal

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Friday 28 June 2013

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Is this the best inside of a birthday card?

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Thursday 27 June 2013

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The Wednesday Word - panjandrum

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Wednesday 26 June 2013

Today’s word is panjandrum. It is basically a word to describe a pretentious official, you know the type that carry around a clip board in the office, or at a carnival noting down every little discrepancy between how things should be and how they actually are.

The origins of the word are quite incredible, as it was coined by Samuel Foot in the 18 century in a piece of nonsense writing (this is what they did before they had the internet). I have included the full nonsense writing quote below, but here is my quote for it:

“He had held the self-appointed position of High Panjandrum on the church wardens committee for the last 30 years, and he wasn’t about to let some young upstart with the brains of a potplant carry out a coup-d’état on his revered place at the right hand of the Vicar.”

Feel free to let me know if you ever come across a word you think may be appropriate for this part of my blog.

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The Top Secret drawer

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How do you feel when you finish at Ikea

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Tuesday 25 June 2013

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Have you ever been wrong?

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Monday 24 June 2013

I will begin this post by assuming that all of us, including you, have been wrong at some stage in your lives. The title of this post is more asking whether you have ever been spectacularly wrong. Perhaps on some issue of technology, a prediction in politics, or some factual matter where you have come unstuck after further information was revealed.

I am going to reveal something towards the end of this post, something on which I have been spectacularly wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, but a matter on which I could not have been more wrong. Suffice to say, it was so wrong, that even the weatherman couldn’t believe it.

Before I do though, I thought I would highlight a few other more public (and perhaps apocryphal) quotes where it appears CEOs of large American companies have been spectacularly wrong about some new technology:

1. “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” said by H. M. Warner of Warner Bros. in 1927 about the possibility of moving on from silent movies.

2. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” said by Thomas Watson the chairman of IBM in 1943.

3. “Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night” said by Darryl Zanuck of 20th Century Fox in 1946.

4. “No one will need more than 637 Kb of memory for a personal computer – 640K ought to be enough for anybody” said by Bill Gates, Microsoft CEO in 1981.

So now that I have got those out of the way what was the quote that I said? What was my prediction that proved so spectacularly wrong?

In 2009 I wrote this blog post when a new television show came out. It expressed my disbelief at how such a show could ever make it. It was based on the fact that I found the show boring, and that this particular show had almost no viewer participation, and no similarity to previous shows in that style.

I actually went around telling people that this show would be “off the air in a matter of months” or “I will give this type of show one season. People don’t want to watch cooking competitions where you can’t taste the food”. What was the show?


Here was the main point of the blog post I wrote:

“But my real question is why (is the show so popular). In an age where we all want to be the judge of everything, not limited to, but including who is the best singer, dancer, hunter, and pouter, why have we given over our capacity to judge to three men simply because they have the unique ability to contort their face based on their sense of taste? But more significantly considering this loss of power to judge and decide, why is this show still so popular?”

Since that time, this show has gone around the world and spawned dozens if not hundreds of other similar kitchen dramas. These include Junior Masterchef, ApprenticeChef, NotsogreatChef, Celebrity Chef, My Kitchen Rules, My Kitchen doesn’t Rule, Hell’s Kitchen, Heaven’s Kitchen, So you think you can Cook, America’s Top Idol Chef, Australian Ladel and the list goes on.

But my original question from the post remains – why are such shows so popular?

(The only comfort I take in all of this is that it appears, given ability to predict things, I have all the skills necessary to become the CEO of a large American corporation.)

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The best before and after pictures - for Barbie

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Mexican designer Eddi Aguirre imagines Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie, without all the make-up that makes her look so pretty.

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Push Push Push in a Maternity Ward

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Sunday 23 June 2013

Thanks Lisa

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Some of the best (and words) puns!

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Thanks Bruce

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Push to open. If that does not work Pull. If both do not work ...

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Thanks John

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Is this door Push or Pull

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Never stop playing with your food

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Saturday 22 June 2013

Thanks Grant

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You get what you pay for

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For Best and Worst Results of Washing

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Friday 21 June 2013

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A true Freudian Slip

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Thursday 20 June 2013

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The Wednesday Word - pachyderm

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Wednesday 19 June 2013

Today’s word is pachyderm, which literally means thick-skinned, but has a number of other possibilities. It can be another name for an elephant, it can also be “any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates” such as the elephant, hippopotamus or rhinoceros, or it can be a person who doesn’t care about criticism or ridicule.

“The relentlessly mocking was not helped by his constant reference to elephants as ‘those pleasing pachyderms’, though in a very pachyderm kind of way he was either oblivious or completely unphased by the ridicule.”

Feel free to let me know if you ever come across a word you think may be appropriate for this part of my blog.

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Best Blogger Tips

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Nose trimmer - caution don't try this at home

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An alarm clock's perspective

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Tuesday 18 June 2013

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Amazing half court shot

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Monday 17 June 2013

via Take your Vitamin Z

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Crocheted Optimus Prime Beanie/scarf/helmet

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Sunday 16 June 2013

I think Ali from Something this Foggy Day would like this (or at least the crochet part of it).

Hand-made and available @ BriAbby.com

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A very unique One Man Band

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Saturday 15 June 2013

via Bits and Pieces

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Eye Halve a spelling chequer

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Friday 14 June 2013

Thanks Simon

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Two men walk into a bar. One man orders H2O.

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Thanks Jordan

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One thing I guarantee you did in your childhood

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Thanks Bruce

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An Adobe Update?

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If Disney Princesses were on Facebook

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Thursday 13 June 2013

If disney princeses were on fb

via Bits and Pieces

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Perhaps this treadmill is a bit too fast

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A tad too fast

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Rawr!!!! Just kidding. I'm only a turtle

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Thanks Grant

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Angles and numbers - is this actually true?

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Thanks Brian

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Is the baby asleep?

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Thanks Joanne

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What do you do when you're trying to fall asleep?

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The Wednesday Word - lucubrate

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Wednesday 12 June 2013

Today’s word is lucubrate. It means to work, write, or study with great effort, especially at night. It comes from a Latin word which means to work by artificial light. From this definition it appears that all of us a doing a fair bit of lucubrating for a large part of our day and night.

Here is my quote for it:

“His iPhone had just enough power and light to shine onto his textbook and allow him to lucubrate late into the night – he did not want to fail his final school exam.”

Feel free to let me know if you ever come across a word you think may be appropriate for this part of my blog.

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Top 10 perfectly time photographs

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lightning strikes statue of liberty perfect timing


diver whale high five perfect timing


just a pinch buddah perfect timing


seagull takes ice cream perfect timing


perfect timings swimmer water




airplane-breaking-the-sound-barrier-perfect timing


perfect timing


Bohemian-Waxwing (Silkitoppa)-3-E

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How to make a surprise cake

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The world's shortest pencil

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Tuesday 11 June 2013

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Photographs taken a moment before ...

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Monday 10 June 2013

via Phil's Phun

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