Cute video of the day - toddler falling asleep eating a chicken nugget

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Tuesday 30 April 2013

Thanks Brent

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The definition of true desperation

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via I have seen the whole of the Internet

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Are you pear shaped or strawberry shaped?

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via Bits and Pieces

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How to Follow someone on Twitter (literally)

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Monday 29 April 2013

via Pleated Jeans

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What a hilarious misunderstanding

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A lawyer in the making?

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Future lawyer

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I was never that good at photography

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Photography has never been my strong point

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How to play Jaws on the piano

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Finger flippin cop - only in Australia

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Apparantely this picture is going 'viral'. It is a somewhat of a selfie combined with a police photobomb. Does anyone know the context of this picture?

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To all the burger lovers out there – I have a problem

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I love burgers. I love all types of burgers. There is something about the combination of meat, (ham or otherwise) between two layers of bread (bun or otherwise) that in my view is just delicious. And when you add cheese or salad or other weird things like pickle or pineapple and top it off with (insert other random ingredient) to that delicious combination along with mouth watering sauce – mmmm, I’m already salivating.

Now before you start thinking, is he advertising something, or being paid by some company to describe eating a hamburger, you can be assured I am not (although open to the idea …).

But I do have a problem in eating burgers. A big problem. A problem so significant that it has already been through two United Nations Executive Committee meetings, has made front page news of the Das Hamburger Morgenpost (yes it really exists), and drawn comment from the World Lettuce Advisory Board (check it out here).
It is a problem that doesn’t discriminate on how big or small the burger is, nor if it is being eaten at the fanciest of restaurants or the greasiest of greasy spoon diners. The problem is the same.

And here it is – why does the bottom layer of the bun always get smaller and smaller as I eat a burger when compared to the top layer of the bun. That is, can anyone explain to me why as I hold the burger with my thumbs on the bottom layer and my other fingers on the top layer, and eat through the burger I am left with a thin crescent moon of a bottom layer, while the top layer is still somewhere between a half and full moon shape?

Now, before you start wondering and considering the possibilities, please take into account the following facts and assumptions you can make:

·           No I don’t have a lower jaw the size of a mandible whale.
·           No I don’t have the eating habits of a starved pig at a trough;
·           No I have never suffered from the debilitating condition known as lock-jaw;     

This problem usually gets to a point where I either have flip the entire burger over in my hands and munch down to even the bun sizes, or angle the burger, (and my head and mouth for that matter) to such an extent that I have been asked on more than one occasion to stop eating that way as it’s disturbing the other customers.

Can you recognise the problem? Have you ever experienced this yourself? 

Either way, does anyone have a solution?

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Some kids just don't want help with seatbelts

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via Tastefully Offensive

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Start calling my bathroom "Jim"

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via Bits and Pieces

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Ten tips to making parenting easier

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Sunday 28 April 2013

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When I was a Kid ...

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Going somewhere?

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What's your street name?

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via Bits and Pieces

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The next three seconds ...

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Saturday 27 April 2013

via Bits and Pieces

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How to get children to eat what's on their plate

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Friday 26 April 2013

by Norwegian artist and photographer Ida Skivenes - Her Instagram account @idafrosk

via Appropriately Named

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Great tree optical illusion

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The problems of LOL in a library

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The ultimate in Procrastination

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Things I hate - Vandalism, Irony and Lists

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Thursday 25 April 2013

Things I hate

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Is this as simple as it seems - weird water trick

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Ellen does Ellen on Ellen (Saturday Night Live)

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Energizer Bunny arrested, and charged with Battery

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Best picture of Snoopy and Charlie Brown

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via Formerly Funny Finds

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Iceberg ahead

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Dog carrying present

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Wednesday 24 April 2013

via Phil's Phun

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This is why you should turn your phone off at a classical concert

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via Blame it on the Voices

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IKEA Time for a change?

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via Pleated Jeans

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The Gordon Ramsey meme

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The Gordon Ramsay macro is the most recent meme to take over the Internet.

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Very cute baby rhino learning to wallow in mud

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(via Tastefully Offensive)

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Kenya believe it

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A creative newspaper headline from my local area. For some reason I felt a little uncomfortable about it, but still liked it.

via Pleated Jeans

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Will the new iphone 5 make you twice as distracted?

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How to avoid a French car-jacking

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Always take your keys when you get out of your car.


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Photoshop gone too far?

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Boy with muscular dystrophy achieves some of his dreams

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Slovenia-based photographer Matej Peljhan recently teamed up with a 12-year-named Luka who suffers from muscular dystrophy, to create a wildly imaginative series of photos depicting the boy doing things he is simply unable to do because of his degenerative condition. While he can still use his fingers to drive a wheelchair and to draw, things like skateboarding and swimming are simply not possible.

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Is this the longest cat in the world?

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via Bits and Pieces

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Sage Advice

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Tuesday 23 April 2013

via Tastefully Offensive

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Baby doesn't like kisses from his daddy

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Monday 22 April 2013

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Creative headline of the year

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Courtesy of last Friday's Ulster Gazette:

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Vintage social networking

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Vintage social networking

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Tyres on a flat tyre?

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Oh irony

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I was planned. I was a surprise.

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Planned and surprise

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Books with numbers in the title

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I have a friend who has a very strict book reading principle. Now before I go into detail about this particular book reading principle, I am going to slightly pause here and use a written rhetorical device which I have called excessus verbiosus (a Latin phrase you can probably work out) mainly to give you the chance to recover from the shock of reading the first four words of this post. It is true and he is real, (as opposed to a Blog or Facebook friend, or just some bunny you used to know and now won’t stop sending you annoying Linked In requests).

But anyway back to my real friend, who I have known for over 15 years now, and his book reading principle. The principle is that he refuses to read a book with a number in the title.

You know the ones, such as “5 love languages” by Gary Chapman, or “The 7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephen Covey or “9 ways to successfully scratch your left ear lobe” by … (actually I can’t remember who wrote that last one, but I can’t wait for the sequel “11 itches you never knew you had”).

But anyway back to my real friend, his basic principle is that he hates self help books and claims that most books with numbers in their titles are from that section of the bookstore. While this is patently not true, he claims he has never read one and boasts that he is helping himself by not self helping himself.

I have been trying to catch him out for years now by monitoring his book habits and regularly quizzing him but to no avail.

“A tale of two cities’, is such a classic isn’t it?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t read it.”
“What about ‘The Three Muskateers’”, “Nope”.
“Catch 22?”,“ Catch what.”
“1984?”, “Huh?”

The closest I came was a few years ago when I caught him reading “The Life of Pi”. “Caught you.” I said.
“No way”, he replied. “It’s the Life of Pi, not the life of 3.1415”.

But my time is coming. He has recently become a father for the first time, and I have already bought his son a present. It is a present I hope his boy grows up to love and cherish and get his father to read over and over. One Fish, Two fish Red Fish Blue Fish.

Can you think of any others I can try to get him with?

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Anatomy of an Angry Mob

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via Tastefully Offensive

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Dancing Queen at the Bus Stop

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Sunday 21 April 2013

This has been going around a bit lately. I quite like it because I dance like that.

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10 things on the Internet that we don't understand

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Glove and Boots explore some of the weirder stops on the Interwebs highway, places we just don’t understand.

(Thanks to Irene for the link).

via Irene's Internet

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How to become cool immediately

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Mullet On-The-Go Wig, from Urban Outfitters
* Party in the back - whenever you need it
* Slip-on mullet in 4 distinct styles, complete with an attached stretch-headband for the perfect fit
* Choose from the Bobcat, the Widowmaker, the Weekender and, last but not least, the SilverFox

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Even big cats like boxes

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via Big Cat Rescue

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Best of Funny Talking Animals

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Bring me another smurf

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Thanks Erin

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Perfect timing from a toddler

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via Best of Youtube

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Cheerleader half court trick shot

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Saturday 20 April 2013

You will not believe that she managed to pull this off.

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Peekabook Facepalm

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via Clean Funny Pictures

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Rolf Harris arrested in sex abuse inquiry

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Friday 19 April 2013

The Sydney Morning Herald has this article here:

Rolf Harris Arrested in London

I posted this article on 3 April 2013:

Rolf Harris taken into custody

The article I posted was a funny skit he did many decades ago.

Unfortunately the article from today is far from being funny.

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Here is one way to remove snow from your roof

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If you even have that problem ...

via Best of youtube

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Crazy hair day at school

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Thursday 18 April 2013

via Clean Funny Pictures

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Your bad day just started

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Wednesday 17 April 2013

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Grandma got me

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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Grandma got me

via Bits and Pieces

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Violins will never solve anything

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Via Gemma Correll

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Teatanic Tea infuser

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Today it's 101 years since the Titanic went down, so why not a tea infuser in the shape of the legendary cruise liner?
The Teatanic is a tribute to the grand luxury liner of a similar name. Unlike its namesake, the Teatanic will not cause the deaths of 1502 people. It will only cause a smile to cross your face when you're about to take the first sip of your favorite tea. Also, hot tea does not involve icebergs, so we're pretty sure you're safe. Simply pop the top off the Teatanic and stuff the hull with your favorite blend of tea leaves. Close it up and set it adrift in your mug to steep. You'll feel like you're king of the world after 3-5 minutes when your tea is both hot and delicious thanks to the Teatanic.
Teatanic - Titanic Tea Infuser

via Blame it on the Voices

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Amazing shadow art

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From this Saturday's edition of Britain's Got Talent: Hungarian shadow-theatre company Attraction puts on a stunning and extremely moving performance, leaving most of the audience in tears.

via Blame it on the Voices

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Kim Jong Un funny - With this technology we will bring the United States to its knees

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via Bits and Pieces

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Cake under construction

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