Target - Always there to lend a hand
via Target Australia's Facebook page where even they had a bit of a laugh about it.
Like Daily Vowel Movements on Facebook. Go on, you know you want to.
In case you haven't heard or seen about this guy, he is known as the "Ridiculously Photogenic Guy".
In case you haven't heard or seen about this girl, she is known as the "Bubble Girl" or the "Little girl in yellow jacket".
They are both hugely popular memes and they are finally together.
Hope you like it:
Based on this video, No.
This is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. Even a political satire could not script stuff like this.
Could he still be the next PM? Maybe, but only if the current PM agrees with that.
via St Eutychus
Very funny picture of a penguin on a dare (obviously photo-shopped but still funny)
Here is a short 15 second video of my son falling off the bottom of a slippery dip. It is probably not in line for an academy award, nor will it be the next internet sensation but I love his reaction and how he shows where it (sort of) hurts.
Here is a question for all you budding english scholars:
What is the opposite of the word improving?
I have been trying to think of one - deproving, unproving, unimproving. The problem is that not improving doesn't capture the idea of actually getting worse, it just means not getting better. What is the word for going backwards in a particular skill.
Does anyone know?
While you think about it here is a somewhat unrelated cartoon:
An SMS that was not quite what the sender expected.
Well not really, but they are 10 blogs that I really like, each for different reasons, and thought you would appreciate knowing. Here they are in no particular order with a very short description or at least one thing I like about them:
Just a quick post to the blogger blog world.
Is anyone else having any trouble getting scheduled posts to work - that is to schedule a post and have it appear at the scheduled time? It has only come up in the last week or so (18 April 2012).
Let me know firstly if you are having the same trouble, and secondly if you know how to fix it?
Most of these are very simple, but very funny. Enjoy.
Possible captions:
"Ahhh, my pillow is alive"
"Did you eat garlic last night?"
I would never have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Amazing!
Any problems click here
Why you may not reach all of your life goals in the 21st century.
I may have posted this one before, but i love the reaction, and also the face of the second and third kids.
This is a very cute picture, and almost looks like the baby is posing for it.
I look at a lot of funny pictures each week and I can tell you that it takes a lot for me to laugh out loud. Not because I lack a sense of humour but lots of "funny pictures" just aren't that funny. But this one got me. My 2.5 year old is definitely a rod, with a hint of twister thrown in for good measure. If you have children, or nieces or nephews, what is your child? The Noodler, the Twister, the Slow Poke or the Rod?
Not sure where this cartoon is from. Does anyone know the cartoonist or the source?
Well this would certainly help in the short term.
Another meme for you - this one is known as the "Asian Dad" meme, also known as "High Expectation Asian Father". It basically plays off the idea that Asian parents instil a very strong work and study ethic in their children. Often funny, although sometimes a bit off. Hope you like this one.
If your dog does a poo...
Very funny. And actually not far from where I live.
via I have seen the whole of the internet
Last weekend, we had a great time down in Canberra. We stayed with some friends, I ran the Canberra half marathon, and we enjoyed some great hospitality. It somewhat reminded me of this quote:
Hospitality: making your guests feel at home, even when you wish they were.
Well, not quite headless, but something not quite right here.
Not enough drama for my liking (haha).
Thanks Mike for the link (if you still read here).
Probably not what you were expecting.
If you don't get it click here
Knock Knock
Who's there?
To who?
No, no, it's to whom.
Not sure what to yet, but you are still invited.
Possible Captions
You talkin' to me?
"Shut the door - it's hurting my eyes"
I wish I still got that excited over a bit of fairy floss.
Last night with our 2.5 year old, we were watching some Easter songs for children on youtube when up popped this advertisement. Not sure if this is the best product placement, but thought it was funny anyway. I particularly like the threat to join now or she'll be "other's GF"
"Dating Chinese Lady: 10000 Beautiful Chinese Lady Here. Join Now or She'll be Other's GF!"
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