Daily Vowel Movements Caption Contest Number 2

Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Exactly the same rules as my First Caption Contest.

1. Think of a caption for what you think this dog would be saying.
2. Write it in the comments below.
3. After a sufficient* amount of time I will choose the best one (that is funniest).
4. I will caption the picture with a speech bubble and repost it (And if you have a blog or website I will link to it - free advertising).

Good luck.

* sufficient time is the time it takes to get more than one comment.


Michelle in Ohio said...

"Yes...I will play with you as soon as we get home. AFTER I've eaten my dinner & thoroughly licked myself."

Lindi said...

Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, I'm busting to go and my bits are frozen to this damned thing!

GeoffK said...

Duuude... what have you been eating?!

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