The Post Secret blog

Best Blogger Tips

Friday, 6 January 2012

While this blog probably doesn’t need a ‘shout-out’, given that it is the largest advertisement-free Blog in the world (and coming up to 500 million page views), it is one that I follow and enjoy (for the most part). It is the Post Secret blog.

What is it? Well from the font of all knowledge, its wikipedia entry states that it “is an ongoing community mail art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard”.

Here is a picture of the post secret template:

While some of the post secrets are not what you would normally view (or want to view) on the Internet, the secrets can range from inspiring or uplifting, to sad or depressing, to downright perverted or abusive.

Sadly, it is this last category (the perverted or abusive secrets), which is why the post secret app had to be closed down on 1 January 2012. In fact in a public statement on the post secret blog as to why the app had to be withdrawn, Frank Warren said the following among other things:

“Bad content caused users to complain to me, Apple and the FBI. I was contacted by law enforcement about bad content on the App. Threats were made against users, moderators and my family.”

This entry to the app is somewhat prophetic in its content.

The normal blog continues along and has not suffered the same problems as the app, primarily because the secrets have to be sent in paper form to Frank Warren, who along with a team of volunteers then appropriately filters out the problem postcards.

Anyway, for what it is worth, here is a big shout out to Frank Warren and the Post Secret blog.

Click here for other shout outs I have given


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