City to Surf

Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, 8 August 2010

I am sitting here this morning watching the City to Surf on television for the first time in years. I think it is about 8 or 9 years since I last didn't go in the race (if that makes sense). I am feeling some pangs of sentimentality and I can't help but feel a little jealous of all those participants. The main reason I didn't go in it this year was that by the time I got around to putting in my entry I was already going to be behind about 50,000 people. Then a couple of weeks later when I decided to go in it and walk with my Dad in the back of the pack, the whole thing was closed. 80,000 entrants.

It is a wonderful race and event, but perhaps the most overused term (I have already heard numerous times on the tv coverage) is 'atmosphere'. It appears that as long as you sprinkle the word 'atmosphere' among your commentary, conversations or communication you will sound like you know what you are talking about.

Anyway, for all those going in it, Good luck, and for all those who finish, Congratulations.


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