Edward Daniel

Best Blogger Tips

Monday, 17 August 2009

In a moment of insanity, here is something personal on my blog - an email sent by Edward Daniel after he was born on 16/8/09.


Dear all

Just a quick email to let you know that I have moved. My old place, a studio apartment, which admittedly had fantastic central heating and quite comfortable surroundings, was getting a bit too cramped (a problem I didn’t see when I first moved in, primarily because I couldn’t). But the move has come about because over the last six months or so, I collected a few too many things, namely limbs, which made space a bit of a premium (the fact that I am 51 centimeters and 3.58 kilograms didn’t help either).

So anyway at 9:30am yesterday with the help of a few others (and luckily just before a two-week extension of my lease came to an end), I moved. Now I don’t want to judge anyone, but to my mind it seems that most of the work and the labour, including all the pushing and the lifting, was done by the one lady. Apart from being a bit tired she seems to be doing well and has continued to be quite helpful. As for the other guy who has been hanging around a lot, apart from panicking and generally looking like a nervous wreck during and after the move, he has been of some limited use, for example in typing out this email.

Anyway, it looks like I will be in the new place for a while as I have just signed an 18-year lease (with a yearly continuation after that). I got rid of the clause about noise restrictions, so I can laugh and scream and cry as loud as I like, and quite amazingly for me, or quite stupidly for the landlords, I managed to negotiate free food and board for the entire 18 years.

Hope you like the pictures of me – the first is about ten minutes after I got out of the old place, while the second is on the evening of the move. Looking forward to meeting some of you soon, but for now, I’m off for a nap.

Edward Daniel

PS. Feel free to reply email, or send me some post, (as I have had my mail re-directed). Or if you would like to come and visit, give the nervous guy a call on 0408 573 057.

PPS. Please also feel free to forward this email on to people I know or should know.


troysgonewalkabout said...

Dear Edward,

I hope you find your new address to your liking. It may be a bit more draughty and have a bit less solitude than the old place, but at least you can kick the walls to your heart's content without causing any real structural damage to the premises.

I'd try and keep that lady that helped in the move onside for as long as possible if I were you, even if the eviction was mostly her idea. She'll come in handy, as you won't need to run down to the shops yourself whenever you're feeling peckish. Well, at least not for a while anyway.

And as for the nervous bloke, don't worry, I can vouch for his good character. I think you'll find he'll come to the party too, for one thing he'll absolutely love cleaning up your daily vowel movements.

I think it will take them a little while to get used to the new conditions of the agreement too, and their ideas about bathing (among other things) may be cause for concern for you in due course, but I don't doubt that you've found some great new flatmates.

Next time you see them, give them my very best wishes and prayers of blessing and goodwill, and I hope to see you at some stage during this current tenancy period.

Di said...

Welcome to the world, little Edward! We're delighted you eventually decided to come out and join us, and look forward to meeting you one day. BTW you've chosen the BEST parents. Lots of love.

Pennie said...

Hello Edward Daniel,
Hurray! You are here at last! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Arriving on the Sabbath day which according to the old poem, 'Monday's child is fair of face etc.' finishes with...
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day is bonnie and blithe and good and gay. What a lucky little man you are plus you have terrific sounding parents with a great sense of humour and we all know parents need a great deal of that to survive!
Please give my congratulations to your Mum and Dad!

Mike said...

Looking forward to babysitting Edward

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