Jargon can also be used like an insurance policy where it is only pulled out in times of trouble, and used as a form of protection. By this I mean, if people use enough jargon or ambiguous terms they can then always claim to have been quoted out of context or misunderstood. In line with this idea, here is a quote from an insurance policy:
Carrier shall not be liable for injury or damage to or destruction or loss of the Goods or any other property arising out of or incidental to or in connection with or occurring during the provision of the Services or for the mis-delivery or nondelivery of the Goods and whether or not caused or contributed to by the default (including negligence) of the Carrier or any agent, servant or officer of the Carrier or any other person entitled to the benefit of these conditions.
In plain English, this clause reads:
If the goods do not turn up, or if they turn up damaged, it is not our fault.
I would love to be able to say this to my boss one day – “I may or may not turn up to work tomorrow, but even if I do, I may or may not work properly”.
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