A morning chiasmus

Best Blogger Tips

Friday, 1 May 2009

Here is what in my opinion is a fantastic chiasmus:

"Every morning, in your first view of the day,
you have the choice to say,
'Good morning, God' or 'Good God, morning.' "

Wayne Dyer, American author


Anonymous said...

Good one Andrew. That's a word I'll certainly add to my list of most useful words. Incidentally, did you read that Krispy Kreme have decided to change the name of their new line of Iced Dough Vos under legal pressure from Arnotts, makers Kevin Rudd's favourite biscuit, the iconic Iced Vo-Vo? Papa

Anonymous said...

OOps! This comment was supposed to go with the Wednesday Word - horripilation - though the biscuit comment could probably go anywhere. Sorry Papa

Daily said...

Thanks for comments. Great way to make me look popular.

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