A Blog makeover
Well after months and months of work by the Daily Vowel Movements Web Development Team (the DVMWDT for short, aka my sweatshop of programmers), you will all be pleased to know that this blog has finally had a makeover. Perhaps not an extreme makeover, but just a face scrub and a trim, which has enabled a few extra features like a linkbar at the top, and in my opinion, a slightly better feel.
It was probably about time, however being a blog of constant improvement, if anyone has any further tips or tricks of the trade, or, more importantly, if anyone notices any errors, or problems, or if you subscribe through a reader or RSS and things are looking a little out of place, please let me know via a comment somewhere or via the ‘Contact’ link at the top, so that I can fix it up.
Otherwise, like a colony of E. Coli bacteria upon finding a warm roast chicken that has been left out of the fridge overnight, please enjoy.
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